This was actually my very first try at making a crochet hook roll.
My initial roll design had two pieces of elastic sewn down at 1-2cm intervals to hold the hooks. However, some of the hooks didn’t quite fit in those spaces, or were harder to get in and out than preferred. I also wasn’t very happy with the way this looked as a crochet hook roll. The top folded over looked a bit sloppy, and I accidentally attached the elastic in the middle of the roll when the top was open, rather than the middle when the top was folded down.
Having decided to try a different roll design for my crochet hooks, I decided to use this roll for my knitting needles, which works much better! The elastic position is better and holds it well, and the needles fit better in the small elastic spaces. Now my array of knitting needles are much better ordered and I can more easily see what sizes and materials I do and don’t have.
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